Sunday, August 28, 2005

Tempus Fugit~ time flies...*

no kidding... tempus fugit... time flies... how apt a description... i seem 2 b wallowing in self-despair... haiz... was talking to my friend e dae b4 yest... fri... realised tt these few weeks... always been mentioning life ... in e 1st 3 mths... always recalling 2 e fun times we had... e many little jokes... lyk how sher used 2 dodge whenever we put a phone in front of her... for fear of its camera... but we always use a cam-less phone... lol... i guess i'm trying 2 use my present class as subst? i checked ard... n realised tt most ppl had cam phones... strange... i would expect nj 2 hav ppl wif less of such phones... but well... i guess e cam phones r v common alr... wonder if she's still so affected by such a gesture... or has 67 trained her alr? i wonder...

guess i've been comparing e kind of ppl i meet in both schs also... v diff types of ppl... how strange... we're all singaporeans but such a vast diff... hav been comparing... my friends n i,... we keep saying s15.. my nj class.. has no guyz... hahaz... i dunno... it's juz small little things here n dere tt gave me tt impression... they... their lang v coarse, v rough... my poor friend cringed on hearing 'em... but well, got used 2 it alr... hear bad lang everydae... poor me... wish i was back in mg... but well, we can't turn e hands of e clock back... tough luck... but i guess they're alr acceptable... should stop complaining... things might hav been worse... ok... gotta admit smthg... kept comparing 'em wif 67 guyz... man, i think i'll regret saying this... but well, really, now i noe.. how decent they r compared 2 my class guyz now.

i was telling my friend... by now i think i should hav let go alr... but somehow i keep dwelling on e past... it's not wrong 2 look back... but i guess it's wrong to keep my head turned back while walking forward... might knock into a pillar... hahaz... wat a bitter laugh... sigh... i muz face forward... i muz.

fri, had lunch wif some of e ppl from 67, mainly mh, sher, ivan, darren, ian n jenny... it was really hard 2 organise it... wat wif mh doing e organisation... tt morn i was in a gd mood... realised tt i was nv in such a gd mood ever, not since entering nj... anyway, was laughing n joking wif some friends... then 1st lesson... mh ruined it by saying how e galz all can't make it... might hav 2 cancel it after all... darn, wat wif e lousy marks i got from econ drq test... i was really down in e pits... think i sorta gave my classmate an arrogant look, a darn pissed look... well it's ok, we dun really communicate anyway. then it was really hard 2 smile in e 2nd lesson n so on... msg jenny n she said, we'll juz go over n c how... so ok, agreed. fri after sch, coz there's math remedial, tt's y so many classmates stay back... real glad 4 their company, even though i was only wif 2 galz - my pw mates.

lunch - went over... sat @ e bench... saw 1 snr... forgot his name... sigh... alice's angel n mortal... even jenny forgot his name... then they ended sch... alice 1st one down... prob coz she's 2 go 4 oac... painting banner... prob for maf... haiz... was talking wif qt abt tt... she said alice invited her so she invite me n it's not tt e class forgot abt us... well they juz don't inform us abt stuff anymore... ok, shall stop it... anyway, then e galz all came down 1st... followed after a short while by e guyz... woah... it's lyk really woah... suddenly hit me tt oh yeah, e ratio's lyk 18 guyz to 8 galz... forgot abt tt... hahaz... it was nice seeing familiar faces again... kinda... more or less... ivan asked if i still wanted 2 strangle him... hahaz... mh is e target now... she pissed me off more... there was a mango on e table... wanted 2 throw it @ mh... jk. lunch, adam's rd... was ok, mh had 2 rush off 4 yida's autograph session... but got a taste of e familiar atmosphere... lunching 2gether. anyway... yeah. guess i'll stop here.

Monday, August 15, 2005

temper temper- time 2 b tempered*

okies, shall not throw tantrums anymore... or rather i shall try not to ;) anywayz.... update... e wounds on my arms, legs, everywhere r healing now... within a few days, they're almost gone, tt Dr Loke sure is gd. being e responsible me i turned up tt dae, crap, hate it when duty calls... ok, promos, 6 wks left, chem spa, 4 wks left, phy spa, 1 wk left, chem n math tests, 1 wk left... = it's time 2 start revision... rite... n e ipod mini gold colour, apparently it's not in Singapore yet... too bad then... mh... guess u hav 2 wait... haven't lunched wif e 67 galz in a long while... but well... wonder how they're doing now? sigh... it's time 2 study every1... no matter who/where we r...

well i guess i have 2 admit... i'm starting to like my class... they're real fun, almost comparable to 67, or rather wat 67 was. s15, they definitely do not = mugger class... after having a few class outings wif 'em since joining this class... am starting to like e class ONLY, not nj, yucks. they gave us a feedback form 2dae 2 fill up n let's c, there was do u agree whether the facilities n environment r conducive for studying? PUh-leez! e mosquitos! so i put strongly disagree! then later they put are you proud to be part of njc? strongly DISAGREE! whahahaha... so many disagrees n strongly disagrees in 1 feedback, 1st time i disagreed so much... tsk tsk, nj has FAILED terribly! HA! there was 1 option saying if other people are criticising njc, you will defend njc.... STRONGLY DISAGREE!! i was telling my friend, i'll join them in their criticisms man! so funny... it's lyk they've really failed... either tt or i resist too well... my friends n i (2nd intaker galz) were discussing 2dae... when ppl asked wat sch we're from... we would mumble njc... it's so pathetic... i also dunno y... i juz dun feel proud 2 b part of njc... they say it's boring here... but e councillors n every1 r really trying their best 2 make this place fun... but i guess e uniform reduces watever effect they had? it can b pretty fun in here, esp wif my class, but well guess e general idea is still nj is a mugger sch... can't b helped i guess.

btw, i've changed my hp no.... u ppl should hav received my sms otherwise... i dunno... network failure? hahaz... anyway, nitez ppl, mugging time. ;)

Friday, August 12, 2005

u wish, i'll not turn up, there's a limit 2 my patience! n e limit's been breached! curses::..

can i complain?
i've juz been thoroughly angered
stupid archery
u noe there was supposed 2 b a meeting juz now but then it was cancelled... e capt told me after i put down my bag...
so tt wasted a bit of my time...
so i was a bit pissed
then i dunno, i got pissed a lot 2dae... feeling up n down lots... dunno y
then they sms me
i end at 1230 2mrrw
they wanna meet at 5 pm
n so i said i went down 4 nthg juz now, now u want me 2 wait damn long, 5hrs juz for a meeting 2 discuss e script
so i said wait n c if i feel lyk turning up
n she said no i will not wait n c, it's ur choice whether/not 2 cooperate n give a LITTLE more then e luckier ones who dun hav 2 wait
u noe... i'm really damn angry.
i was feeling so down juz now on e bus dunno y... juz felt lyk crying... i dunno wat's going on... then receiving e msg juz now made me so angry... i really wanna quit archery now...

i dunno
i really dunno
i hate it rite now
perhaps after a nite of slp... things will get better... or rather things will b clearer
i'm really tired...
tired of compromising...
tired of doing things way beyond myself juz 4 em
i noe tt perhaps e others r doing e same thing also... but i nv had e experience b4... i dunno whether i can handle it
i mean it's lyk affecting my studies too
i really hate this
i wanted 2 use stronger words in my nick but i guess i thought better of it...
they don't exactly deserve my attention
they're not worth it
esp not njc
it's juz a short 2 yrs here... it's ending soon, i'll study hard n get outta here
then it'll b over i hope
i seem 2 b trying 2 comfort myself

i really felt lyk quitting a lot of times alr

i dunno whether i can sustain for e rest of e 1+yrs here leh
if i quit i dun hav 2 face all these again
i dun hav 2 waste my time there
i can use my time better elsewhere

i was supposed 2 do my dc circuit tut
but i got too pissed off by em
i'm quite glad i got e mc now... mebbe it might = to me seeing less of 'em

haiz... i noe... but i dunno how 2 solve it... i dun wanna flare up @ em ... i sort of flared up in front of my capt b4 u noe
n i dunno... it'll b e 2nd time... i seriously wonder if i've been angered by e same party so many times b4 in my entire life
now it's all their fault tt i can't do my hwk

c how they affect my studies?
