Saturday, June 04, 2005

trng---clashes----wif everything.. but i still luv archery

haiz haiz haiz sigh sigh sigh... archery teacher sae muz give up everything else coz no time 4 'em... only left time for studies n trng...not quite sure if there's even time 4 studies... next wk... trng whole wk... mon, mental trng, 130-330, tues 2 thurs, trng from 3-6pm... really really dun wanna voice out my objections 2 these dates... even though i arranged wif mh 2 go kbox wif her on tues , 2-7pm... coz he's always saying, would u put trng b4 leisure a not? i've placed trng in front of leisure so many times alr.. he juz doesn't noe... would it hurt if i sae i can't make it 2 trng this once coz of leisure? or would it b lyk e case where once u make a mistake u're black-listed 4 life... then he'll hav a bad impression of me... if he doesn't alr... how 2 run 4 ex-co lyk tt... haiz
he was saying out there... every archer is ur enemy... they'll pick on ur every mistake... to give nj archers a bad reputation, for e.g. last nite... we went potong pasir cc to train... actually it's only lyk 2 person who went... i went there 2 fletch my arrows n put in e arrow tips... n i left pretty early... anyway, this morn, 9am... e rj coach called n complained abt all e rubbish left behind supposedly by us... luckily our teacher clarified wif him n found out tt it wasn't nj archers who left all tt rubbish but some other ppl... so u c... ppl outside... they can't wait 2 give nj archers a bad reputation, esp since we're new.. so-called pioneers... not 2 sae tt u can't hav friends who r archers, our archery teacher's good friends r also archers, it's juz tt in competition they'll b tt, competitors.
3rd june, fridae, 12-3... went n crashed hc phy lect... irene tan took so long 2 notice jenny n i... then when she noticed she was lyk 'ae... err... ok...' then she kept looking back... during break she came up n talked 2 us... hahaz... anyway... after tt, i went 2 get my arrows n stuff... all e way in bishan... haiz... then went outdoor range 2 meet up wif e rest of e archers then went potong pasir cc to train(i didn't train i juz went there 2 c) then by e time reached home... was 8+...
4th june, sat, 1-3pm archery trng over @ Cdans, but i didn't manage 2 train much... coz was fletching my arrows... then i took lyk 2hr 2 fletch... haiz... wasn't easy... but part of e time was spent on stoning coz hav 2 wait 4 glue 2 dry... anyway... then we voted 4 archery boys' team capt n vice-capt... was a close competition coz voting was 7-6... anyway, i support both candidates so it's ok who bcome capt n who bcome v-capt ... btw, only 2 person ran... e rest were not interested/too busy yeah stuff... gals' team capt n vice-capt will only b decided after one of e galz who went back 2 china(she's from there) comes back... haiz...
okay, doubt i'll come online e next few daes coz of trng n studies, so this place will b quiet for e next wk or so... anyway, time 2 go... nitez all!

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