Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Adapting to changes aint easy...

Just started my new job... at singapore national eye centre... as temp HR assist... but i'm not really working in the HR dept yet... soon i will... after i'm done wif my work in some other dept... coz i'm a temp staff, who can b borrowed by other dept to help them do stuff... kinda reluctant to adapt to changes again when i shift to another floor... juz when i'm getting used 2 the ppl and the work... haiz. Hope that it will b ok. That the job will b ok. That the ppl will b ok. i guess the job is the more impt factor... esp considering that i'm gonna stay for close to 4 mths in that place. So far it's been alright... but i dunno what it'll b like once i shift to another floor... rite now i'm on the floor where all the doctors' tables r at... but they're hardly in coz they're always in their clinics... so the place is rather peaceful n quiet, not tt many ppl despite the many tables ard. the HR dept will b diff, it will b full of ppl... n rather a smaller working area as compared to the floor i'm at. Oh well. We'll c.
Sometimes, when there's nthg 2 occupy ur mind wif, no studying n all... u'll start wondering abt the uncertainties of life. Abt wat i'm doing now, y am i doing it, the pointless-ness of it all.. n wat should i do instead... but there's lyk nthg that i can or need 2 do... in that sense, i guess being a student is the best. Sch will always b on my mind, occupying my thoughts n keeping me from thinking abt life's purpose-which can b rather depressing at times. Well, my colleagues rather happening, going out for dinner on mon n thurs this wk, only my 1st wk of work n alr i can witness their enthusiasm in making work livelier ;) heh. Fun..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

friends- u all make life worth living!

It's been super long since i last blogged. Lots has happened since.

Finding a job. Start of 1st job. Getting to know new people aka colleagues. Release of the 'A' level results. Emotional Upheavals. End of 1st job. In search of a 2nd job. Learning driving. Keeping in touch with old friends. THinking abt my direction in life; my future career and hence my course of study in uni. Which uni and whether i can make myself study science again... or should i take something totally different.. Lots of things weighing on my mind.

But anyway, despite all these, i want to thank everyone who's been dere supporting me thru this time...
my dear s15 class girls: shuyu,fel,xt,mitch,
my ever-wonderful archery girls team ppl: wendy,rach
n even my colleague yijia:)
n also those who've no idea y i'm so depressed/troubled but were dere all e fred n esp cindy my colleague n potential travelling partner! ;)

i kinda wish that i'm back in sec sch or jc where there isnt so many things to consider, to decide. Where hwk is usually the only thing on my mind, with no other crappy stuff to worry abt. I dun want 2 grow up. i finally realise how horrible it is to have to work to get income. Work is tiring. Though studying is too, but at least i learn loads in sch, so much more than in the working world.. and it's more fun in school than in any workplace. To me.

Now tt i've finished my 1st job, I thought i'll enjoy the freedom that i'll get from not working.. but instead now i'm worrying abt my expenditure, esp when i'm not having any income.. n i seem 2 b spending more these days... coz i hav so much time on my hands.. haiz. but i definitely need 2 b paid more 4 my next job. i need 2 pay my sch fees 4 gdness' sake. but i cant b too picky either. crap.

Been wanting 2 blog but nv really got down 2 getting it all down. Doing this to thank all those who've been dere n is still dere 4 me :) thanks ppl.