Saturday, January 06, 2007

wat's been up so far..

well... 3 dec was grad nite... a month ago.. was quite ok, better than e baccalaureate service at any rate. Took some photos. Cam wasnt really co-operating though. nvm got a few pix is enough. e diff between this n sec 4 is well, e ppl i guess. When i went dere, no one was familiar n i had 2 seek among a sea of unfamiliar ppl 2 find those whom i noe. e prog were ok. there was post-prom but i didnt go. was lyk 1120pm ard dere.

hmmm... then since then... there was e shooting club chalet... which i went n still dun get y i went. It was pure ugh. lyk go dun go obviously doesnt matter. a member's presence is hardly impt. y did i go... i still dunno. e only gd thing tt happened tt day was me getting a job. Agent called n was picked lyk a few min later... was so happy 4 tt short time. hmmm was fun seeing mr tiew again. thx 4 fetching me outta e place again. didnt stay long thank gdness.

then ever since i started work on e 18 dec... was rather tiring e first wk. first wk worked 5 days. 2nd wk worked 4 days.. thx 2 oh wonderful christmas hol! then 3rd wk which is this wk.. worked 3 days! Rawks man! haha... n i've been busy gg out after work these 2 wks! haha! i think it's e gg out after work tt makes e day bearable :) met up wif s15 ppl, mg ppl, archers, even hc ppl! Things were cool. lots of ppl celebrated my bdae 4 me.. so happy! it's juz so great knowing so many ppl remembered n were willing 2 give up their time n all. had lyk 3 other cakes/slices of cake aside from my own yummy ice-cream cake! first was e archers kbox outing.. hah i totally didnt expect e cake..i muz b totally stupid..then was kay yifang ele n ash they all.. wif e highly chocolaty slice of cake.. thx! i once again didnt c tt coming.. how silly. then was class chalet which was at yushu's house.. they celebrated all e dec ppl's bdae but was still gd. wasnt feeling well so didnt stay overnite or eat e cake either... one of e only ones who didnt stay. all e other girls cept shuyu who went stayed over..but i'm still truly grateful 4 it, e chalet n everything was gd. e fd was gd n we(girls) were being served e whole time.. more or less haha. apparently e guyz organise e WHOLE thing... totally shocked.

this wk went out on erm wed n thurs... watched Death Note 2 wif fel, mitch n shuyu on thurs nite(830pm)!!! Man it so rox! L is lyk so so so smart. n Light is naturally a genius too but i hate how he keeps using e girls who love him. Misa n his ex-gf Shiori. sheesh. but still respect him 4 his cautiousness n ability 2 stay ahead of e police if not least e actor's cute. ;) it ended ard 11pm...i think fel made it 4 e last bus at least. thankfully. :) then hmm on wed went 4 hc chalet... s67's last gathering in a way. coz e earliest date tt one of e guyz is gg in is jan 9. so early. anyway.. it's been lyk a yr since i last saw them or made much contact wif 'em. juz so glad tt they still invited us first-intakers... treating us as still part of e class despite e distance. hmm pity tt qt couldnt catch e shuttlebus n made a wasted trip down... tt was so crap. anyway... went dere after work n stayed 4 lyk 1 n 3/4hr. kinda short but well still had 2 work e next day. went dere n alice joy they all were lyk... dont recognise u... coz i was wearing working clothes... watched my dressing 4 tt day... of coz muz leave gd impression :) hmmm rebuilt some relationships tt nite... wif e girls. :) it's been so long but it's lyk they didnt change much... to me... but heard tt e class became so much rowdier since e guyz ratio rose drastically.. haha.. poor teachers.. they muz hav suffered.a lot from wat i heard. hmm got 2 c most ppl.. but not all were dere. when i went dere felt really awkward standing in front of e guyz.. they werent really looking too thankfully so i quickly went upstairs haha. intimidating no of guyz i guess. as usual. was ok.. nice fd! bbq not bad despite e rain.. canvas sheet n all..sher's hair is neat..hmm jw realised tt i was dere when i was busy eating marshmallows haha.. then we chatted..talked 2 ivan 4 lyk a few sec haha.thank you jenny 4 riding e shuttlebus wif me back 2 tanah merah mrt station. kinda find it silly 2 travel so far on a working day but oh well. 4 e sake of e invitation.. tt they didnt forget us.yingjie was dere too.. after so long. e guyz were lyk so non-interactive as usual.4 e whole day from wat i heard.

hmmm well..really hope can go out at least once a wk every wk... it reliefs e day's work. in a way. but it's gd gg home n resting early too.. hmm.. hope can arrange tt meeting tt wendy wants soon. it's so diff n so hard 2 contact everyone by e looks of things. sigh. we'll c if fate decreeds it 2 b so. we'll c.