Saturday, December 02, 2006

enjoyable outing!

heh.. went out yesterdae, 1/12 fri for a lunch wif mg friends! it's been so long,... n i got many gifts from yifang n kay! N juz meeting up wif ash, ele, jo, amelia, alicia, daphne.. they all... it's juz great! so happy... even though it was only for a short while... went villa'ge heeren 2 eat... pretty lousy competition as compared 2 marche... they both look exactly e same.. e decor n everything.. oh well, they honestly should try product differentiating.. mebbe there's a diff in their service attitude.. wif marche being e 1 wif e upper hand n all.. oh well. Unpleasant stuff i shant bother wif. coz they're not worth remembering...

Wat's worth rmbering is yifang, ash n ele willing 2 shop 4 working clothes wif me! THANK YOU! u all rawk! until lyk erm 7pm! n finally found a shop at far east which offers reasonable pricing n suitably designed clothes... quality wise a bit lacking but oh well. it's only for a temporary job. i do still intend 2 study after working.. when e results come out n all.. juz hope e agencies i asked will hurry up n get me a suitable job.. preferably by next wk but tt's a bit too much 2 ask of 'em. hope e offer will b gd. hope tt i'll learn stuff n be able 2 find wat i wanna take up as my future career at e same time. yupz. yifang gg states soon 4 hol n every1's prom aka grad nite is approaching. Not really interested in it but still hav 2 go. Oh well. Take it as something 2 while my time away kinda thing. hope it's worth e time n effort n $ spent on it! OH i wanna get a job n start earning all tt $ wasted on this thing. ;) jk..