Sunday, November 26, 2006

Exams r finally over~

yay... 'A's have finally come to an end.. and well now's the time to juz sit back n relax... at least for a while before using the break time wisely and look for a job and all... wanna hav a team dinner or smthg, havent seen e team together in a long time.. 21/11 tue went back to sch after eating dinner wif e girls' team (cept dx) at a korean restaurant.. to check out e jnrs' camp trng.. saw mr lee teaching 'em how to juggle as part of mental trng... interesting... haha oh well... seem 'em so sunburnt is quite funny... now it's their turn... when it was ours last yr.. i need 2 start trng again soon.. so not fit after e break to study for prelim n 'A's... yah, muz get up e determination to do juz tt... soon... lol... soon. :)

Imagine not having to study for 7 months after studying for most of ur life ever since entering erm kindergarten? ya.. it's quite an interesting feeling but i'm not really tt fond of examing it closely.. coz well u dun exactly get 2 relax coz well 2 face reality, u'll hav 2 find a job, coz it's expected of u 2 use this time wisely 2 gain experience n earn $ n find out wat i wish 2 b in e future, as in wat kind of career i want... but i dunno.. i still dunno wat i'm gonna b in e future.. juz cant seem 2 find anything tt i'm interested in.. much less 2 make a career outta it for e rest of my lives,... hope a ray of inspiration may strike me suddenly soon n i'll find a career suitable 4 me..