Wednesday, March 22, 2006

finally, it's over...

yes! e long awaited day whereby the 1st common test has finally come to an end is here! lol... it's been so long since i last blogged... recalling e last few days of late nite studying... at least it'll b a while before i'll have to do that again... tt's only if i fail to study earlier in advance... must focus... now's e time 2 learn to focus before the next common test, then perhaps i'll be able to study better and score better... haiz.

Today went out wif class after phy ct... n guess who i saw when e bus went past e hc stop... shermeen!! haha... it's so nice seeing some1 familiar... she was alone though,... look so lonely,... hmmm it's been so long since i went out wif her... soon,... i shall ask her....

hmmm... well... juz wanna say smthg,... i felt ok 4 this phy ct even though it was supposed to kill us ;) haha, they always say tt... but i seriously need 2 go thru my notes faster... i failed 2 finish studying properly... n i also failed to study e mcq topics sufficiently such tt i couldn't do any of e waves qns,... sigh, a waste of easy marks so as to speak... but wat i wanna say is tt e class ppl always think i can do v well for e exam... they juz dun understand... i worked hard 4 it but i also slacked lots of time... i'm juz slightly more hardworking than them only.. i'm no genius, i can't get 4 As now, but i'm willing to try, to strive for it even if it seems unattainable, i refuse to believe that s5g ppl all do badly, i hope tt i can show them tt even we can do well, we dun hav 2 b from 5a to do tt... but they dun seem 2 c this... they themselves look down on e class generally, i dun deny tt i didn't do tt but i seriously believe that they're all capable if only they'll try... perhaps it's e understanding concept part which they dun get... i noe it's not entirely their unwillingness 2 study tt is e cause of e overall not so ideal grades, some of 'em sincerely dun understand... wonder how i can help... it prob sounds as if i'm trying 2 act lyk some great person who noes everything n is trying 2 help others who're not as gd juz 2 show her capability... but i'm not lyk tt, tt's e very last thing on my mind, for eg, one of my friend, she always sleep in class, although she real gd in maths such tt she's a genius kind who dun hav 2 study, but tt's not so in e other subj, n she doesn't put in any effort at all, it doesn't matter 2 her at all... haiz, i guess every1 has diff priorities, cca's hers. haiz, i'm such a busybody.

but e fact tt i myself despise e class really irks me. a lot of my classmates also feel tt e class average grade would definitely be lower than that of e cohort, of 5a... which is supposedly e best class in e s5 combi... i wish 2 remove this unconscious biasedness, but i dunno how, for i myself am some1 wif this kind of thinking. to tell e truth, i hav nv been in any so-called worst class before n this is a 1st time, an experience, not say s5g is e worst class but it's one of e classes on e other end of e spectrum.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

CT coming, it's time 2 study...*

Common tests are coming, no time to blog... not tt usually i hav e time, but anyway, now's e time 2 study... 2dae was also e release of e 'A' level results for e seniors, apparently they did v well... best in 6 yrs... e pressure on us juz increases... oh well, study time!