Saturday, December 10, 2005

busy period of my hols...

29, 30 nov, 1, 2 n 3 dec... had CIP @ suntec... only 1 word 2 descibe it: exhilarating... was fun @ times, coz u're so busy u find it fun... n @ times u get real frustrated coz of messed up stuff - organisation v messy this yr @ e Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2005. e marathon was on e 4th itself... @ 1st i only wanted 2 go 4 e 1st 4 daes coz apparently, u need 2 go @ least 4 outta e 5 daes.. but turns out tt i enjoyed myself so much on e 2nd dec... tt i decided to go on e 3rd too! n erm skip trng @ e same time ;) dun tell my capt pls... made lots of real nice new friends dere... kinda sad tt we part ways already... dunno if we'll ever get 2 meet again, they're lyk sec 3, 4, unis... yupz, even working adults also got... coz e volunteering experience is v enriching. really hope someday in e future we'll get 2 meet again... hopefully Singapore is tt small. but well... some of 'em live in e east n north... kinda no hope but we shall see. 29 & 30 was packing of goodie bags - so NOT fun.. zip e stupid shoebags until hands pain already... 1, 2, 3 - expo days... giving out of e bags... it's when e fun n horror begins! horror = i was in 10km section, n e prob was tt e shirts wasn't here yet so we've got 2 put up wif e public's disapproval/anger/unhappiness, u name it, yupz, we had 2 put up wif tt. but got mostly nice ppl too so erm wasn't tt bad. fun = being runner... meaning counter support... getting e bags n e bibs 4 e counter ppl... fun! i was counter too... it was busy n fun too... at times... but v tiring standing... whole time standing so if u go 4 this thing, b prepared 2 stand! 1st 2 days slack... e next 3 is really busy! made lots of friends during e last 3 days... tt's when u get 2 mingle wif e rest.

10, 11 dec... 9 dec was sighters for this archery comp, my 2nd to date. 1st outdr comp... n well todae's e 10, n i'm already burnt red so who noes wat i'll b after 2mrrw... oh well, now i noe better = put sunblock! results out, i'm ranked 13th outta e dunno how many archers... as usual i'm one of e lousiest in e whole team... including guys' team.. oh well... v unhappy wif myself for lacking e stamina 2 maintain my score in e 2nd round. 1st round was 206/300, 2nd round was 160/300 HumPh! considered passed but i had higher expectations of at least 180 for each end... i'll do better 2mrrw, tt i promise 2 try.